It’s been almost a year since the first and only time I’ve been to La Habana, Cuba and since then the country has moved even further away from the isolationist history (imposed or voluntary) of the last 50 years towards globalization with the rest of the world. One of the things that left a lasting impression on me was just how little things had changed in Cuba since 1959 compared with the rest of the world.
Peter Moruzzi, an architectural historian by trade, has published a book examining Cuban life in Havana prior to the rise of Castro. In his words…
This book explores Havana from the perspective of an American tourist visiting the city during the first half of the 20th century and, many decades later, as a 21st century visitor intent on rediscovering the city’s astonishing past.
Included in the book are a great display of “before and after” photos worthy of a look. The book also reminds me of a great trip I took a year ago and somewhere I need to go back to visit. (pics from my trip on flickr)